Peer-Reviewed Publications

Reddy-Best, Kelly L. & Harmon, Jennifer. (2015). Overweight boy's and girl's experiences with and perception of athletic clothing and its relationship to physical activity participation. Fashion and Textiles: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 2(23), 1-16.

Reddy-Best, Kelly L. & Pedersen, Elaine, L. (2015). Queer women's experiences purchasing clothing and looking for clothing styles. Clothing & Textile Research Journal. 33(4), 265-279. (Abstract)

Reddy-Best, Kelly L. & Pedersen, Elaine, L. (2014). The relationship of gender expression, sexual identity, distress, appearance, and clothing choices for queer women. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology, and Education, 8(1), 54-65. (Abstract)

Reddy-Best, Kelly L. & Howell, Alexandra (2014). Negotiations in masculine identities in the Utilikilts brand community. Critical Studies in Men's Fashion, 1 (3), 223-240. (Abstract)

Reddy-Best, Kelly L., & Burns, Leslie D. (2013). Avant-garde fashion: A case study of Martin Margiela. International Journal of Costume and Fashion, 13 (2), 1-13. (Article can be found here)

Dazkir, Seda, Mower, Jennifer, Reddy-Best, Kelly L., & Pedersen, Elaine L. (2013). An exploration of design students’ inspiration process. College Student Journal, 47 (2), 394-404.


Juried Design Exhibitions 

Reddy-Best, Kelly L. (2015). You're too pretty to be gay. Activism on the body through representations and negotiations of queer femme invisibility. Juried fashion design in the International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference design exhibition, Santa Fe, NM. (View here)

Reddy-Best, Kelly L. (2015). The closet. Juried fashion design in the International Fiber Recycling Symposium exhibition, San Francisco, CA. (View here)

Reddy-Best, Kelly L. (2015). A modern interpretation of the sculptress, Madame Grès. Juried fashion design in Costume Society of America National Symposium exhibition, San Antonio, TX. (View here)

Reddy-Best, Kelly L. & Saez, Susan. (2015). Girl scientist superhero. Juried fashion design in the Gender and Fashion University of Minnesota Annual Symposium exhibition, Minneapolis, Minnesota. (View here)

Reddy-Best, Kelly L. (2014). An exploration of craft and racism - hand tie-dyed materials and 3D printed embellishments with inspiration from the inequitable human condition. Juried fashion design in the International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference design exhibition, Charlotte, NC. (View here) (Catalog entry on page 54)

          ***Won "ITAA Award for Creative and Innovative Interpretation of Inspiration Source(s)"

Reddy-Best, Kelly L. (2014). Flower petal blooming. Juried fashion design in the Discarded to Divine St. Vincent DePaul exhibition and auction. DeYoung Museum, San Francisco, CA. (View here)

Reddy-Best, Kelly L. (2013). The emotions of rape. Juried fashion design in the International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference design exhibition, New Orleans, LA. (Abstract) (Catalog entry on page 37). 

Kane, Laura, & Reddy-Best, Kelly L. (2013). Latin butterfly. Juried fashion design in the International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference design exhibition, New Orleans, LA. (Abstract) (Catalog entry on page 103)


Peer-Reviewed Presentations or Poster Sessions

Reddy-Best, Kelly L., & Gagliardi, Nika. (2016). A critical lens on drawing the body: Intersections of gender, race, and size in fashion illustration textbooks. Paper presented at the International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.

Kastanos, Christine, & Reddy-Best, Kelly L. (2016). Exploration of communication processes related to pre-production for apparel companies. Paper presented at the International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.

Reddy-Best, Kelly L. (2016). Exploring social justice issues through design in an apparel design studio course. Poster presented at the International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.

Harmon, Jennifer, & Reddy-Best, Kelly L. (2016). Plus is equal?: Analysis of the negative social media commentary of Lane Bryant’s campaign. Poster presented at the International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.

Harmon, Jennifer & Reddy-Best, Kelly L. (2016). Fashioning the fairy tale: Disney princesses, the body, fashion, and appearance messages. Paper presented at the Fashion and Body University of Minnesota Annual Symposium, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Harmon, Jennifer & Reddy-Best, Kelly L. (2016). #PlusIsEqual?: The effectiveness of social marketing in fashion. Paper presented at the Fashion and Body University of Minnesota Annual Symposium, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Reddy-Best, Kelly L. & Kane, Laura (2015). A feminist visual content analysis of college-level textile and apparel textbooks 1970s-2010: Intersections of gender, race, and size. Paper presented at the International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, Santa Fe, NM.

Reddy-Best, Kelly L. (2015). LGBTQ women, workplace dress codes, and appearance negotiations. Paper presented at the International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, Santa Fe, NM.

Reddy-Best, Kelly L. (2015) Overweight adolescent youth's experiences with and perception of athletic clothing and its relationship to physical activity participation Paper presented at the Gender and Fashion University of Minnesota Annual Symposium, Minneapolis, MN. (Abstract)

Reddy-Best, Kelly L. (2015) The politicization of fashion in virtual queer spaces: A case study of Saint Harridan and Tomboy Tailors. Paper presented at the Costume Society of America National Symposium, San Antonio, TX. (Abstract)

Reddy-Best, Kelly L. & Pedersen, Elaine L. (2014) Queer women's experiences purchasing clothing and looking for clothing styles. Paper presented at the International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, Charlotte, NC. (Abstract)

          ***Won "Paper of Distinction" award in Social/Psychological Track

Reddy-Best, Kelly L. & Pedersen, Elaine L. (2014). Clandestine fashion: Hidden styles and queer identity. University of Minnesota Fashion and Communication Symposium, St. Paul, Minnesota. (Abstract)

Reddy-Best, Kelly L., & Ordoñez, Margaret T. (2013). Care of highly problematic twentieth-century textiles: Identification, cleaning, storage, and exhibition. Paper presented at the 9th North American Textile Conservation Conference, San Francisco, CA. (Abstract)

Reddy-Best, Kelly L., & Pedersen, Elaine L. (2013). Fashioning queer bodies: Intersections of dress, identity, and anxiety for queer women. Paper presented at the International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA. (Abstract) 

Reddy-Best, Kelly L., & Ordoñez, Margaret T. (2013). Conservation of twentieth-century Textiles: identification, cleaning, storage, and exhibition for nine extremely unstable objects. Poster session at the Costume Society of America National Symposium, Las Vegas, NV. (Abstract) (Poster 1) (Poster 2) (Handout)

Reddy-Best, Kelly L., & Howell, Alexandra (2012). Skirting the issue of masculinity? An exploratory study of individuals’ gender identity construction through Utilikilt consumption. Paper presented at the International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii. (Abstract)

Christel, Debbie, & Reddy-Best, Kelly L. (2012). Bias towards obese persons among undergraduate apparel design and merchandising management students: Grounds for dissatisfaction among overweight Americans. Paper presented at the International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii. (Abstract)

Mullet, Kathy, Stannard, Casey., & Reddy-Best, Kelly L. (2012). Integrating historical research into the apparel design studio. Paper presented at the International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii. (Abstract)

Dazkir, Seda, Mower, Jennifer, Reddy-Best, Kelly L., & Pedersen, Elaine L. (2012). Exploring design students inspiration process. Poster session at the Interior Design Educators Council, Inc. Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD. (Abstract on page 50)

Reddy-Best, Kelly L., & Burns, Leslie D. (2011). Martin Margiela and avant-garde fashion. Paper presented at the International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA. (Abstract)



Interested in collaborating?  Contact me at kelly.reddybest "at symbol"